Sunday, February 8, 2009


We try to prevent Lyla from watching TV. We know it does her no good at all, and it's not like the shows Julie and I prefer to watch are baby-appropriate. Maybe it would be different if each night we nuked a bowl of popcorn and settled in for an hour of Baby Einstein or Teletubbies. But it turns out that those shows make me want to staple my lips to my eyelids.

After an evening feed, when Lyla is near comatose and we want to watch something, we put her in her chair and face her away from the TV. The other night I noticed that she was fixated on the fireplace. Turns out she was watching a rerun of 24 through the reflection in the fireplace glass. Since babies' brains are essentially sponges at this age, Lyla will grow up knowing how to dodge machine gun bullets and judo-chop terrorists in the neck.

And the award for best parenting goes to...not us.

1 comment:

Susi said...

You're better parents than us! We don't even attempt to turn Anja away from the tv and I watch a lot of high quality shows like "Rock of Love" and "Tool Academy!"