Friday, April 24, 2009


I wrote before that Lyla favored tilting her head to the left and that we took her to a physical therapist. Well, after a couple appointments and after performing the stretching exercises at home, we solved the problem.

Now she tilts her head to the right.

I wonder if you can guess what the physical therapist is having us do now. If you said, "Do the stretching exercises but on the other side," then congratulations. You are now qualified to be Lyla's physical therapist.

The proportion of a baby's head to its body reminds me of an enormous ice cream scoop on a tiny-ass cone. And if you've ever lost your scoop to the terrible forces of gravity, then you understand how a baby's head might tilt for awhile. Is it necessary to bring a physical therapist into the mix, or is it okay to just wait until the baby's cone grows and catches up to its scoop?

It seems that in this case, we could've done without the professional help. So what will happen the next time we wonder if Lyla is developing normally? Will we wait it out and let nature take its course, or will we neurotically call in the pros?

We'll neurotically call in the pros.

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