Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We have an eight-hour car trip coming up, and we're debating the best way to do it with a baby. Do you leave at her bedtime and drive through the night? Do the drive in two days instead of one? Strap her car seat to the roof so it's more fun?

We've ruled out the last option. And drugging her is obviously out. Drugging ourselves is probably out. But what if she freaks out in Eau Claire and doesn't settle down by Madison? Do we stop at some seedy hotel? Crank the music on our iPods and drive 90 miles per hour? Leave her at a McDonald's ball pit and pick her up on our way home?

Julie read on another blog to assemble a bag of random everyday objects and give Lyla one every half hour or so. I like this idea because non-toys seem to entertain her a lot more than toys. I guess if you had never before seen a brown lunch bag, for instance, it might be fascinating for awhile, even without the crayons or dexterity to turn it into a puppet.

I think driving through the night is a bad idea. Whereas Lyla might sleep, her parents will be the ones sobbing and screaming. It should be interesting; let me know in the next couple weeks if you have any best practices to share.

Hey, we could always use the trip to teach Lyla how to drive.


Susi said...

I'd love to see that blog Julie read...

I would suggest having someone in back with her to retrieve toys, give her a bottle, etc. I also have a toy bar thingy you can borrow if you want. It clips on to the sides of the carseat. Here's a pic of it...

If you're really desperate, a portable dvd player with a baby einstein dvd or something. We have some of those you could borrow, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't recommend leaving during the night...we do that now that our kids are older and can sleep during the night, but you will be exhausted and there is a good chance that Lyla won't sleep as you expect and then everyone is crabby.
Just take your time. You will find that there are great stretches and there are times that despite your desire to keep going, you may need to get out of the car at a park or something and give Lyla a change of scenary. We have brought books, DVD's, toys, nontoys, you name it...the biggest key is to stay on the schedule that you normally have so that when you get to your destination everyone will be fresh and that Lyla's world is as close to "normal" as possible in a new location!
Good luck, have fun and good for you for taking your daughter on a trip. We have found that becuase we were always on the go, our kids are great travelers and a 6-8 hour drive is not that big of deal-even with four kids.

Steph said...

You could pick up new toys in the dollar area at Target and give them to her when she seems bored. I second the idea of the DVD player with movies - Baby Einstein is a great one for that age. That has saved our sanity on many car trips! Good luck!!!! :)

Dan said...

Thanks, all!

I especially like the portable DVD player suggestion as it involves purchasing electronics.

Gin said...

I think you should plan to stop at Geoff & Gin's which is one exit past Madison for a break...spend the night if that would help or just break up the trip. Oh and you can be the first to meet Ephraim :)

Dan said...

Gin - Best idea of all! We'll be in touch to solidify plans. The only reason I can think of that we wouldn't stop by is if Lyla's a raging beast the whole way and then finally falls asleep five minutes from your house.

But I don't see that happening.