Thursday, October 29, 2009


For the first time in Lyla's life, she did not nap all day. It's because of her...drum roll, please...ear infection. She's fine when she's up, but when she's down, the pressure builds and she turns from Baby Jeckyl to Psycho Baby Hyde.

So yes, Lyla has an ear infection. The doctor is also fairly certain that she had the flu, though her fever is now gone. For those tracing the development of this fever, it started on Monday, peaked on Tuesday night just shy of 104 degrees, continued at around 100 or 101 on Wednesday, and was nonexistent today. The only way the doctor could explain the 104 was flu.

Which is totally bad-ass. I'd like to purchase for Lyla a black leather jacket with shoulder spikes. The back would read, "H1N1 Is My Bee-otch."

She's sleeping now. If you Google ways to help a baby's ear infection pain, you'll get a whole bunch of nothing. The antibiotics will kick in eventually, but until then it's Tylenol and hoping that once she finally finds a comfortable head position, she doesn't move. I'd like to freeze this moment in time and make it carry through until tomorrow morning. We need the sleep.

Oops: now I hear her. The moment was decidedly unfrozen. This might be a long night.


I stand corrected. The sweet child slept all night.


Lori said...

Awwww poor Lyla! Which ear is it, or is it both? Was it H1N1 or could it have been the normal flu? I had fun babysitting her today. Er... Are ear infections contagious? -_-' Hope she feels better soon!

Dan said...

Her right ear. It was likely H1N1 because she had already gotten her regular flu shot. I think you're probably fine unless you rubbed her snot on your eyeball.