Friday, November 20, 2009


Lyla is one. She's the girl who likes to open the dishwasher and shut herself in Daisy's cage. She's the girl who knows that cows go moo and that silly babies go blabble-abble. She's the girl who loves her mama more than anyone and binkies more than anything.

Look back:

This truly was the year of changing Lyla. She'll ask us one day what it was like when she was born, and I'll answer by repeating the first sentence I ever wrote on this blog: "With a newborn, you think about poop a lot."

"That's gross, Dad."

I'll give her everything I wrote. I'll say, "This is what you were like, and this is what we were like."

"Wow, I was cute."


"Do I have to read all this?"

"No. Just look at the pictures."

1 comment:

Steph said...

Ahhhh....great pictures with Julie!!! Isn't it amazing how quickly that time goes by? She will appreciate your blog when she gets older, and yes, she will actually read it (at least that is what I am telling myself about my boys reading my blog!) :)