Sunday, May 24, 2009


Babies are menaces to society, which is why their parents buy these little jails for them. It follows that rice cereal is undoubtedly worse than prison food. Hopefully Lyla will choose to spend her time productively, perhaps pound out some license plates for Pow-Pow-Power Wheels.

We put this playpen in the spot previously occupied by our dogs' cages. The dogs were demoted to the guest room, which I know will excite our guests. It's a big room, now just a bit smaller with the minimum security puppy jail in one corner.

Kids and dogs don't mind spending some time in a smallish place, it turns out. For dogs, it's a den instinct. For kids, I suppose it reminds them of the womb. Or at the very least it takes the gigantic world and puts them in charge of a tiny part of it. That's why kids build forts when they get older.

But I'm still thinking about getting Lyla a miniature harmonica to complete this image.

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