Saturday, May 23, 2009


Julie's feeling better. We think the humidifier sped her recovery a bit.

I will be 30 on the 30th, so there are limited shopping days remaining. I mean hello, it's my golden birthday and all. I wonder what Lyla will give me. I think I'll ask her to sleep until 9:00.

Julie turned 30 four days before Lyla was born, so she never got to experience parenthood in her 20s. I don't gloat about this often, but hilarity ensues every time I do.

If Julie wouldn't have been the size of a linebacker and ready to squirt out a kid at any second, I probably would've planned some sort of trip for her 30th. And if Lyla was ready now to stay overnight at her grandparents' house, then Julie might plan one for me too.

No matter. I'll take the kid over a trip any day. When you have a six-month-old, it seems ridiculous to answer people when they ask you what you want for your birthday. What more could you possibly want?

Well to be perfectly honest, I want the new Punch Out game for the Wii, but other than that, I'm good.

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