Friday, June 19, 2009


This afternoon I set up a camcorder in the nursery. I wanted to see how Lyla falls asleep at the beginning of a nap. These photos are stills from that video.

Obviously there are some time lapses; suffice it to say that in about ten minutes she covered every inch of her crib. And she wasn't crying, mind you, just occasionally snuffling, whining, and cooing.

But look at this next one:

You can barely see the epic struggle underway. Lyla had previously lost track of her binky but located it finally, just out of reach. For a full four minutes, she strained for it. The crib bars and an immature sense of ingenuity prevented her from figuring out a way to reach it.

Downstairs, I listened to the baby monitor, wondering why in the world she was crying all of a sudden. But just as I was about to run up the stairs, she calmed.

Reviewing the footage, you can see that she gave up, shoved her thumb in her mouth, and went to sleep:

And she stayed asleep for two hours.

1 comment:

Susi said...

LMAO! What a funny idea! She must've really tired herself out.