Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I know it's been a hard day when I realize too late that I haven't taken any photos of Lyla for the blog, necessitating a stealthy post-bedtime shot.

Lyla does not appreciate parenting transitions. After a weekend with both parents, she is not pleased on Monday when her mother goes back to work. She's crankier. She gets a case of the Mondays.

Well this week, Julie stayed home on Monday and Tuesday so I could tend to some family issues that I won't get into here. And so today Lyla had to deal with just me for the first time in several days. I love the kid, but she was a total pain, fussing while she ate, played, and hardly napping at all.

Julie got home, and we canceled dinner plans out because we knew that Lyla was not at all in a cooperative mood. Infants are notoriously difficult to reason with. So instead, we took her to the pool where I promptly jumped in with my cell phone in my pocket. Awesome. But Lyla kicked around and tired herself out, as evidenced by the above picture. She's been rolling to her stomach lately, but after today's shenanigans she fell asleep mid-roll.

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