Monday, November 24, 2008


Newborns are nocturnal, while their parents are not. Last night, Lyla demanded to suckle from the jugs four times. And, as a five-day-old, she hasn't learned manners. She squeals her little head off and does not say please.

At first you think she's just fussing, perhaps missing her favorite toy, the umbilical jump-rope. Then you pick her up out of the bassinet and rock her a bit, certain that what she really needs is a little 3:00 AM daddy affection. When the rocking does not pacify her, you must summon the keeper of the jugs.

The keeper of the jugs is like the village elder who lives in a hut high on the hill. She dispenses nectar and wisdom to those who can brave the journey. But she needs her sleep, so beware. It's not wise to piss her off.

When the keeper is dispensing nectar or wisdom, you must fetch her whatever she desires. Has the ice in her water bottle melted? Are the lights too dim or bright? Do the nerps require fresh cold packs? Get moving, peasant boy. Do not make her ask twice.

The picture above was taken at approximately 1:00 PM today. Lyla is fast asleep. We should be sleeping too, for they tell you to rest whenever the newborn rests. But seriously? I haven't napped since I was six. Am I really going to [YAWN] start now?

Lyla stirs. She's crying her hungry cry. Gotta go!

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