Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here Julie is helping Lyla practice "tummy time," a sickeningly cute baby phrase that's right up there with "poopy bottom" and "snuggle muffin" in terms of making you nauseated when you say it. Tummy time helps newborns build the muscles they'll need to support their own heads and eventually crawl.

We're trying to keep Lyla awake during the day so she'll sleep more at night. We've discovered that she's a hungry, hungry girl at night, sometimes feeding multiple times within an hour. And she hasn't quite mastered the concept of what lactates and what doesn't. It's kind of hilarious to watch her suckle her hand and get frustrated when no milk comes out of it.

Yesterday I picked up the dogs from boarding. Immediately they knew something was up. I brought them inside while Julie was feeding Lyla upstairs, and I got them calm even though Julie's mom is here and they had tail-wagging fits when they saw her. Then I went upstairs to change Lyla, and Julie came down. Since I am the alpha in the house, we decided that it made sense for me to bring Lyla down. That way if the dogs were obnoxious, I could snarl at them without them thinking much of it.

All in all, they found Lyla very interesting indeed. Daisy, above, was pretty low-key. Tulip, below, growled a little.

As a small dog, she has a Napoleon complex, but she's as harmless as they come. They're both docile dogs. I suspect before long they will adopt Lyla as their own and protect her from whatever threats (squirrels, mailmen, each other) they perceive.

Tulip settled down quickly, even for her, and stopped caring that someone new was in the house.

And Daisy...well, Daisy is dumber than a sandbox. No need to worry about her.

Bottom line, it's fun to have all my girls here together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is good indeed.