Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today I called our childcare place to set up Lyla's August schedule. Recall that in order to get a full-time slot for September, we had to agree to part-time in August. So anyway, I was horrified to discover that they had not received our deposit check or Lyla's application, which I mailed almost two weeks ago. Did they get lost in the mail? Stolen by rival parents? Eaten by termites?

I drove right over. Luckily they were still saving the slot for us, but I wonder at what point they would've given it to someone else. The director held Lyla while I scribbled out another application and check. She speculated that Lyla might marry her infant son one day, and I was not in a position to disagree. So it's all good again. Had we lost the slot, I think Julie might have murdered me, and I'm not sure any jury would've convicted her.

Lyla will end up in childcare two days a week in August. I will use the time off to tie up loose ends, namely to finish the videogames I play for 30 minutes at a time when Lyla's napping. I might also watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy again, kind of a summer tradition. Ooh, and Legos. I'll be busy, I tell you. And kind of pathetic.

I suppose we could just pay for August and not use it. But maybe it'll be better for Lyla to ease into childcare rather than dive in come September. Hell, maybe it'll be better for us to ease into it.

I might need a new Lego set to distract myself.


Gloria Johansson said...

We have to watch This Is Spinal Tap. And play poker.

Susi said...

You mock me for feeling guilty, but I guarantee you will too at some point during August when you drop her off at daycare and you head out the door to go watch a trilogy of movies (that really shouldn't have been seen once, let alone multiple times - but to each their own)! You just wait! And yes, you should go get a new lego set. Or a video game. Or both.

Dan said...

I think both.

No mockery intended, by the way. It's just that objectively, you shouldn't feel guilty about taking a break. Please remind me of that in August when I'm no longer feeling objective. :)