Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We have a giant bald spot on our lawn from a plumbing snafu last fall. I don't understand why there's so much science involved in reseeding it. In first grade you take a styrofoam cup, fill it with dirt and grass seed, draw a stupid face on the side of it, and you're giving it haircuts by the end of the week.

I seeded nine days ago. Every day since, I've imagined my neighbors peering through their shutters and saying, "Ma, look! That son of a bucket is out watering the dirt pile again!" After spending $30 on the seed, I would've been better off planting three tens and hoping for a money tree to sprout.

"Use fertilizer," you'll say, you smug so-and-so. Yeah, well the genius at Bachman's said no need. Grass makes its own fertilizer or some such nonsense.

My dad did most of the lawn mowing when I was a kid. It's a fatherly activity: gets you away for awhile, pleases the wife. I feel like the ugly spot in our lawn is costing me dad points every day. Maybe I should just sod it.


Auntie Jodie said...

She found her toes!!!

Susi said...

We're having our whole back yard sodded. If we have any extra, I'll give you a call : )

Lori said...

Holy crap, is that her FOOT?! Ha!

Grandma Jackie said...

Grandpa John says keep it moist with wet burlap...apparently grass wants to be wet!! Oh, and did you spend your $30 on a shade/sun mixture?? If not, you're screwed!!