Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Occasionally I drive Julie to work. It's like a mini date, and then I listen to Minnesota Public Radio on the way home. Hard core, right? I'm quite the thrill seeker.

Usually Lyla is awake in time to leave, but this morning I snapped the above photo before waking her up. Julie was against the idea, said let the child sleep and that she would just drive herself. But I don't like it when dates get canceled, even mini ones.

Lyla was cute when I picked her up, all twisty and squinty. Then she started chattering during her diaper change and continued as I strapped her into her car seat. On the road, Julie and I sat contentedly and talked about nothing in particular the way married couples do sometimes. After I dropped Julie off, Lyla fussed for awhile before the car's hum on the road lulled her.

Back home, Lyla had a bottle and a long nap. I drank coffee and ate cereal. It was a good morning.

1 comment:

Susi said...

Sounds like a perfect morning to me!