Saturday, August 29, 2009


We went to the Renaissance Festival today and during the Puke and Snot show, Lyla entertained herself with a water bottle. If you're feeling déjà vu, it's because this isn't the first time we've used a water bottle to get Lyla through an outdoor show. Just over three months ago, I posted this photo from the bird show at the zoo:

In other news, we got Lyla sunglasses, which is the stupidest idea for a nine-month-old. It's basically saying, "Here you go, I got you a teething toy shaped like little sunglasses!" Anyway, we did barely manage to snap one photo of them on her face:

She looks cool, and I so, so do not. I don't know what compelled me this morning to decide to wear a red striped polo shirt to the Renaissance Festival. In that vast sea of dorks, I looked by far the dorkiest.

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