Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Julie's coming home at noon today and we're taking Lyla to the zoo. It's technically a daycare day, but they let us switch from Tuesday to Friday this week.

It's been awhile since our last zoo trip, so I wonder if Lyla will still be apathetic toward all non-fish creatures. I think the monkeys might hold her interest this time since she's doing her best lately to become one of them.

We've been doing research on the best products to buy to childproof the house. Julie took Lyla to her friend Claire's house (mother of William, one of Lyla's zoo buddies), and their entire first floor was baby friendly. Of course, they don't have dogs and their media stuff is in the basement, so that makes it easier. Still, it was nice that Julie didn't have to worry when Lyla decided that everything there needed to be monkeyed with. In our house, on the other hand, we always follow close behind Lyla so she doesn't get into the cords, dog toys, brick fireplace, and quicksand pit.

So maybe after the zoo today we'll head to Babies R Us to search for fashionable baby-proofing items. I say fashionable because I did come home the other day with a pad for the fireplace edges, but Julie said it was too ugly. I offered to pretty it up somehow, possibly with paint, but she just rolled her eyes at me. I put them in my pocket.

But we'll have to come up with something, because Lyla is opening drawers, pulling off the vents, and mischievously eyeing the ceiling fans. Maybe it would be easier if we just put her in a gigantic hamster ball.

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