Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today Lyla and I slipped back into the old routine like pros. The day contained all the elements of vintage Dad-and-Lyla days. She woke up at the normal time, ate at the normal times, napped at the normal times, and pooped at the normal times. We went to Target. We walked around a lake with another stay-at-homer and baby. We ate bananas.

There was even a classic multitasking moment, where I simultaneously talked on the phone, listened to the baby monitor, and cooked a triple batch of sloppy joes for Julie's work potluck tomorrow.

Lyla's new favorite thing (also shown in yesterday's post, added late as an update) is to crawl into the saucer part of the Exersaucer and just chill there. It's her little fortress. At some point she forgets how she got there and summons me to pull her out. Instead, I encourage her from a couple feet away, and eventually she stops whining and crawls out.

So we had fun today kickin' it old school. Tomorrow it's back to her new school.

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