Saturday, September 5, 2009


We did not put Lyla in this cage. Put down your phone.

To Lyla, Daisy's cage is the ideal toy. It's a fort, it has a swinging door, and you can easily pull yourself to a standing position in it. What else do you want? A button that activates a binky dispenser would be nice, I suppose.

How do you explain to a nine-month-old that it's socially unacceptable to crawl into a dog cage? "Lyla, the image of you in the dog cage sends the message that we as parents condone the caging of children; to a casual observer it would appear that we see you as an animal, not a little girl."

And meanwhile, Lyla's thinking, "Door goes open, door goes shut. Door goes open, door goes shut. Door goes open, door goes shut."

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