Monday, September 28, 2009


Lyla got sent home from daycare today with a rash, like little pimples on part of her torso. Yummy!

Julie and I learned a lot about baby rashes today. A quick internet search will tell you that babies can get rashes from just about anything. New laundry detergent? Rash. Too hot in the crib? Rash. Toy stolen by a bully? Rash.

Rash? Rash.

But the doctor thinks Lyla's might be viral, which means we have to keep her home for a few days. One possibility is that it's chicken pox, a revelation that at first sent my heart into my throat. The doctor didn't seem worried, though, and said babies sometimes get a weaker strain before their 15-month inoculations.

It'll be a few days before we even know. Meanwhile, it's amazing how quickly Julie and I can clear our schedules when we need to. We can sit around on a Sunday night and chat about how important and busy our weeks will be, but the second a small rash appears on our kid, canceling stuff becomes easy and painless.

And speaking of painless, I guess the bright side so far is that this is not a child who's feeling bad.

Let's hope it stays that way. Worrying too much at this point would be, well, rash.

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