Monday, September 21, 2009


This photo aptly sums up the day.

Our house is sick with a cold, and Lyla is teething like a wolverine. I don't technically know how wolverines teethe, but I'm guessing they do it ferociously.

Last night we were up with Lyla three, maybe four times. I was in a NyQuil haze, so she could've said her first words ("Daddy, do princesses have snotty noses?") and I wouldn't have known.

I told my two morning classes that when deciding on a career, they should consider things like whether they want to be in front of people all day communicating effectively, or whether they'd be better in a dusty basement research lab in their sweatpants. And then I told them that today, I should've chosen the second option. They seemed amused, but kids are always a little sycophantic the first few weeks.

Mental note to teach them the word "sycophantic."

Hopefully Lyla will sleep longer tonight. Multiple sources today told us to go with Motrin for teething instead of Tylenol. It lasts longer, and it was developed by wolverines.

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