Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Forty-six seconds after Julie took the above photo, Lyla maneuvered herself to this position:

With this new ability to heft herself to a seated position from her stomach, Lyla is making headway in her battle against gravity.

Today I lowered the crib box spring thing so Lyla wouldn't one day fling herself overboard. Crib box springs are definitely not made to adjust more than once or twice. It involved removing eight screws, bending this metal arm dealie, and rescrewing everything in different holes. Plus, you needed a wrench for the nuts. It's very complex and very perverted-sounding.

Adjusting the crib seemed a bit rash as I was doing it, as if Lyla would really catapult herself over the crib wall soon after learning how to sit by herself. The issue, as Julie put it, is that Lyla "learns things and then quietly executes them." In other words, Julie and I both get the sense that when we see Lyla do something new, she has actually been secretly practicing for quite some time; when we think she's sleeping, she's really training.

And we have some baby-proofing to do, obviously:

Why is it that all of our lowest drawers are junk drawers?

The drawer exploring naturally resulted in minor finger pinching and major drama. Mama made it better.

And finally, it seems that Lyla has chosen computer science as her major.


Lyla said...

Smart, smart baby!

Dan said...

Whatever, finger pincher.

Auntie Jodie said...

adorable pictures!!! :)