Friday, September 4, 2009


It's hard to get Lyla to sit still for a picture. That might change if she ever learns she's cute.

Her sense of humor is evolving. Earlier in her life, when Julie or I would do something gut-bustingly hilarious, Lyla would stare blankly and rather snobbishly at us. You know, like when you make a joke and the person you're with says "That's funny" without cracking a smile. Lyla was like that. Babies can be real jerks.

But the latest joke she has come around to is the chase-and-hide joke. She crawls toward something interesting/dangerous, and I crawl behind her and make stupid noises. Then when she turns around, I immediately hide behind the toy tub or whatever is handy. She crawls toward me to see if I've really disappeared forever, and I pop my head out and greet her enthusiastically.

Lyla has finally admitted to herself that it's a funny trick. We're talking healthy, fat-vibrating giggles. I think it might be time for knock-knock jokes.

1 comment:

Grandma Jackie said...

Lyla looks so much like Dan in the first picture!!!

I can't wait to hear her giggle!

Love, G-Ma