Friday, April 17, 2009


I've mentioned that I'd like to get a present for Mother's Day. Not that Julie shouldn't as well, but you know, I'm like motherly and whatnot. This was her reply when I last brought it up: "Mother’s Day...let’s talk about Mother’s Day. I kind of feel like this Mother’s Day will set the precedent for years to come. And 20 years of bad ties for Father’s Day – is that what you want? So let’s talk about Mother’s Day."

Was that a threat? I don't mean about the ties. But 20 years? What's she going to do to me in 20 years? I'll be 49 then and she'll be 50. I'll have to keep my guard up and not make too many half-century jokes.

So the other thing I have to think about is what she means by precedent. Does it mean she wants lots of fanfare since this is her first Mother's Day? Or does it mean I should keep it small so that I don't feel pressured to live up to it every year? I think we all know the answer to this question.

And I do have a gift in the works, but for obvious reasons I can't reveal what it is. What's odd is that Julie isn't my mom (well, my mom's name also happens to be Julie, so I guess...oh shut the hell up) so I just have multiple moms to think about now. Multiple Julies.

When Lyla's old enough, I'll pass her the Mother's Day torch. She can buy Julie the new spatula, the $2.00 pearl necklace, the gigantic bottle of perfume, and bring her breakfast in bed made from Play-Doh.

What's important to remember, regardless, is that Mother's Day sets a precedent for Father's Day.

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