Friday, June 12, 2009


Lyla's hair was all kinds of crazy today.

This morning I left Lyla with my sister and attended my school's last workshop before summer. It always consists of a breakfast, a meeting where the principal honors retirees and reflects on the year, and a couple hours to clean desks, inventory textbooks, and finalize grades. It can be a tedious morning and I didn't have to go, but I went anyway.

It's tradition; I've been at the place for eight years. And like Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye, I wanted to "get a goodbye." Even though I haven't taught since early March, it wouldn't feel like summer without that morning workshop to give closure.

My parenting leave is technically over, so now I'm just a teacher on summer break. Lyla starts swimming lessons a week from Monday, we're taking her on her first vacation in July, and by August she might be close to walking.

And then comes September, when this stay-at-home life will end for me--for Lyla, too. One thing's for sure: when you have a baby, looking forward to anything is a mistake. Maybe nostalgia is, too. For now, instead of anticipating things to come, and instead of looking back, I'll mention once more that today Lyla's hair was ridiculous and hilarious and beautiful.

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