Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Julie took Lyla to Target today to show her where all the diapers come from and teach her the value of a dollar. Lyla, I hear, behaved herself nicely. She didn't throw any tantrums in the toy department and didn't demand any inappropriately sugary cereals. But she did poop her pants.

The car seat requires unnatural back strength to put in and take out, though. We have the base properly installed in the middle back seat. To get the car seat in there, you have to lean way over and maneuver it until it locks in. All together, Lyla and the seat weigh an awkward 16 pounds or so. It's like putting your arms straight out from your body while holding a bowling ball.

And that's assuming that you use a real ball and not one of those 8-pound glorified shot puts.

I don't know if there's a better way, and I'm wondering what happens when Lyla weighs several pounds more and goes on outings more frequently. Perhaps I'll install a pulley system above her car seat base. Or do people ultimately move the car seat to the side? That would be a lot easier, though less ideal in a crash.

Well, I guess there's one way to not have to deal with the middle seat. We could have another kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'd be surprised how your muscles adapt. Anja was 6 lb 11 oz when she was born and I thought she was heavy in the carseat. She now weighs 13 1/2 lbs and it feels the same to me as when she was born.

Just think of it as constant reps where you increase the weight very slightly every time. : )