Wednesday, December 31, 2008


If you would've told me a year ago that this is where I was headed, then I would've written you off as a crazy sadist.

Two years ago on this day, we were in Amsterdam.

We don't have any pictures from New Year's Eve in Dam Square, but it was a little nuts. It was pouring rain, thank goodness, because otherwise we wouldn't have had that umbrella to shield us from the shrapnel from fireworks that went off constantly in the crowd of 10,000 people.

Our plan was for Amsterdam to be a last hurrah of sorts; we'd come home and try to have kids, pull the goalie if you will. But we decided in Amsterdam that this girl was not yet ready to be a mom.

And this guy was definitely not ready to be a dad.

So one year ago on this day, we were in Barcelona for a second last hurrah. New Year's Eve was also nuts, but significantly less nuts than Amsterdam, believe it or not.

The last hurrah in Barcelona did the trick. These two were as ready for kids as they were going to get.

So we got home, pulled the goalie, and everything fell into place.

Happy New Year, everyone. It's mind-boggling what can happen in a year.

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