Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I feel bad posting this picture because it's so eat-your-face cute. It's not even fair. See, Lyla is cute all by herself; she doesn't need the help of other cute things like stuffed animals or Goodyear tires.

It's like when a funny sit-com has an unnecessary laugh track. Seinfeld didn't need the laugh track in order to be funny. A show like Friends, now that's a different story. Without the laugh track, America wouldn't have known what was supposed to be funny. Likewise, if Lyla was an aesthetically undeveloped baby, those stuffed animals might be helpful. "Oh, a cute baby!" you'd think, while subconsciously thinking "Stuffed animals are cute!" When you watched Friends it was "Ha ha! Ross is so quirky!" when really you were only laughing along with the laugh track.

Lyla's proximity to stuffed animals just creates a cuteness redundancy. And so far, like Seinfeld, this has been a blog post about nothing. Maybe I should get a laugh track.

We all slept much better last night. I hopped into bed at 8:45, dead from the previous night. Julie and Lyla, relatively rested from sleeping in, stayed up (doing each others' hair, gossiping about boys, etc.) until 2:00ish. We all woke up around 5:00, when Lyla wanted a milk shake. I got ready for school, and the girls went back to sleep until around 8:00 and took naps later. So all in all, it was a much better schedule.

Question is, was last night the start of a routine, or will sleeplessness be the routine with last night as an exception? We'll see. But as of now, morale and energy are high.

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