Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Lyla is becoming a little more aware of her hands. She doesn't comprehend all the things her fingers could accomplish if they worked together, but she's aware that she has these two protrusions that she can use for reaching.

If I put my head a few inches from hers, she'll reach out her fist as though she wants to punch me. She's not coordinated enough to touch my face on her own, but I make her think she is by moving my face to wherever her fist is. On the horizon is the day when she yanks out a chunk of my hair, but for now she's content to lightly punch.

I feel like she's on the edge of some major changes. They say the three-month mark could find her moving with less random jerkiness, noticing her hands and fingers and becoming fascinated by them, and reading chapter books. Right now we're relishing her sleeping habits and knowing they probably won't last. I believe she's gone five consecutive nights without waking up, but it could be more.

And the hair. That hair on the top of her head stands at attention like the whole world is one big drill sergeant. The longer it gets, the more I think we'll start to see at least a slant, but it seems destined for space.

Oh yes, and she uttered her first real phrase several weeks ago: "Ah goo." I think it means "Daddy is a rock star," but I'm still working on the translation. I'm looking forward to when she starts to say "Ah goo" while she's punching me in the face.

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