Thursday, April 2, 2009


Jackie (Julie's mom) ran into a high school friend of Julie's. The friend is a delivery nurse and also has three kids. Jackie reported Lyla's assisted roll, and the friend said not to expect any more rolling breakthroughs for awhile. Firstborn children sometimes don't roll for a long time. They're held so much that they don't develop the muscle until later.

Children who are not firstborn learn to roll much faster because they're not as loved. The firstborn gets way more attention, privileges, and Christmas presents. I'm kidding of course, but I wonder how many non-firstborns reading this are thinking "Yeah! He's right!"

Hey, I'm a firstborn and I still don't know how to roll over. When we have our second child, we'll make sure that he or she is a delayed roller as well.


Jodie said...

I agree!!! You are right! haha

KCMarie said...

I had to be held until I was 2 1/2 b/c I couldn't walk until then due to my medical stuff, so I was a spoiled, spoiled child. But I was talking early, so I was like a little blonde Yoda. "Spoiled, I was." And I"m finding that I'm having much more difficulty rolling as the weeks go on. I need an assist.

Unknown said...

I have two nieces that were born only two days apart in June. Madalyn has an 8 year old brother and she rolls all over the place. Jersey is an only child. She doesn't roll as well but...she crawls and is pulling herself up while Madalyn is just stuck rolling. Maybe it's the fastest way she can get around so she just sticks with it instead of trying to crawl.