Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This picture is from today even though it looks like the ones I posted yesterday. I'm not rehashing, I promise. This is the, let's see here, 137th day in a row I've posted a same-day Lyla picture.

It's about time for a new diaper pail. We've been using a kitchen-style covered garbage can and getting by on the notion that infant diapers don't smell so bad. Those days, I fear, have passed.

When Lyla begins to actively pursue a social life, hopefully I will have removed from the internet all references to her bowels. But seeing as how we have time yet, I offer the observation that at some point around the four-month mark, there is a shit shift. One of every ten diapers or so look like someone has dumped a rootbeer float down Lyla's pants.

And the smell? It resembles what you might smell like if you consumed nothing but rootbeer floats for, I don't know, a year or two.

For the life of me, I can't remember whether the Diaper Genie is better than the Diaper Champ, or if there's a Diaper Wizard or Diaper Deity or George Foreman Diaper Grill that all the parents are buying these days. I want something where I don't have to buy special bags. And I want it to smell nice and convert my daughter's waste into something useful like grass seed or arcade tokens.


The Sloneker's said...

I love the diaper genie II - it is amazing - unfortunately you do have to buy the bags - but they are like $5 for the "refill" and they last a good long time and my nose hairs appreciate it :)

Susi said...

We like the Diaper Champ - no refills, either.