Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last night we gave Lyla her first solid food. It'll be awhile before solids are her main form of nourishment, but the experts say it's best to teach her how to slurp earlier than later.

I read somewhere that there's a specific ratio of breast milk to rice cereal you're supposed to use. It's ridiculous, something like three teaspoons milk for every molecule of cereal, but I guess it makes sense to ease into things. However, when I saw Julie mixing the concoction willy-nilly, she said, "I mean, in the olden days they just mixed their rice with some milk. They didn't have 'teaspoons' or anything." She emphasized the word teaspoons with air quotes.

"They didn't have teaspoons? When exactly were teaspoons invented?"

"Lyla, Daddy's being a toolbox. Help me feed our daughter. Her bib is getting more to eat than her mouth."

Babies' reflexes tell them to push things out of their mouths with their tongues. With Lyla, there was some of that, but we also sensed that she was thinking, "More food! More, damn you, more! Faster!" I think she'll be a good eater.


Susi said...

Love the pics! Congrats, Lyla! Enjoy that rice cereal!

Jodie said...

cuuuuuuute! Way to go're a good eater just like your auntie! How did you manage to get it on your head though? Was that mommy's doing? :)

Dan said...

Yes, Julie still struggles to aim spoons.