Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Three nights ago Lyla decided sleeping through the night was no longer fashionable. This is normal, actually, due to teething discomfort, need for more food, and increased desire for mobility. So the last three nights, Julie has done a 2:30 AM feeding and then tried, with minimal success, to fall back asleep.

Last summer we moved our bedroom upstairs so it could be across from the nursery. The downstairs bedroom is now the guest bedroom, and some of you have slept there. Now the guest bedroom has morphed into the special bedroom, and the rule is that if you become sleep-deprived over multiple nights, you have to spend a night in the special bedroom.

It's like solitary confinement, only relaxing. There are no baby sounds, no middle of the night responsibilities, and no tossing and turning spouse. And you get a story read to you.

Last night Julie was sentenced to one night in the special bedroom. I fed Lyla a bottle at 2:30 AM, and Julie never woke up until her morning alarm. The only trouble was that it took me two hours to fall asleep after the feeding. Now I'm kind of a zombie, but cup of coffee number three has promise.

1 comment:

rbiggs said...

I want a special bedroom!