Sunday, June 28, 2009



Why does a baby need sandals? I know, I know: because they're cute. But she doesn't walk yet. Doesn't even crawl. Hey, a tattoo might be cute too. What about an eyebrow piercing?

Today Julie and I strolled (and in Lyla's case strollered) around Lake Nokomis before eating amazing pizza at Fat Lorenzo's. While there, Julie said, "I've wanted to ask you something all day."

"Seriously? What?"

"I need your advice on something." She looked at me expectantly with a hint of mischief. "Should I buy Lyla a tutu?"

"A tutu? No no."

"Pink maybe? Green? Blue? Purple?"

"How about gray?"

"Dan, be serious."




"Pink? Really?"

"Buy her a pink one and a green one. Two tutus to...what do babies do in tutus?"

"They get their pictures taken in them. Men are so clueless."


Auntie Jodes said...

She looks soooo adorable in these pictures!! What cute little pants and sandals! :)

The Sloneker's said...

a girl definitely needs a tutu - I have a friend that makes amazingly cute ones if you would like me to hook you up...oh and my daughter was born on 2/2 - so her nickname is tutu :)