Friday, August 28, 2009


School workshops start Monday, so today was the last Friday of my parenting leave. Lyla slept until 8:45, which is odd since you can normally set your watch to her 7:00 wake-ups. What's really odd is that when I scrolled back to March 10th on this blog, which was the day Julie returned to work and I became Mr. Mom, Lyla also uncharacteristically slept until 8:45. Fine set of bookends, if you ask me.

Much of that March 10th post is devoted to my careful extraction of Lyla's booger with a turkey baster. Well now more often than not I just shove in a finger and get 'er done. So a lot has changed. Like, I've become more disgusting.

After Julie got home tonight, Lyla hunkered down and unleashed epic destruction in her pants. You know when MacGyver would sprint out of a building, mullet flapping in the wind, and dive to the ground just as the building exploded? It was like that.

If it's at all wise to reflect on the karmic significance of a baby's bowel movement, then I would say this one was full of positive energy. For one thing, the dear child held it all inside until Mama got home. Tag-teaming something like that is way easier than going it alone. And also, it revealed another set of bookends. My parenting leave started with a booger and ended with a storm of feces. Somehow, that feels right.

"Whoa, that was a doozy," I said to Julie as she washed her hands.

"No," she replied. "That was a twosie."

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