Thursday, August 20, 2009


Lyla is nine months old today. I marked the occasion by digging out the screwdriver and wrench to adjust her crib box spring to its lowest level. It's ridiculous to imagine her escaping the crib at any level, but at the same time, it is a box spring so I wouldn't put it past her to bounce out.

The low setting might complicate putting her down for naps. You'd have to be about seven-and-a-half feet tall to lean over the rail and lay Lyla down now. If we're lucky, Julie and I might get her 80% of the way there but then have to drop her the last couple inches. Think she'll mind?

Here are a couple more gems from Lyla's photo shoot last weekend:

Just for contrast, here's one from six months ago:

They tell you it goes fast, but overall I would disagree because it seems like forever since I took that photo. Still, I have a feeling that when she turns one, it'll be as if I've blinked.

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