Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's a good thing babies don't know what embarrassing means. Or maybe they do but they can only express it by moving their right hand back and forth really fast, as in the picture above.

Julie and I decided to forgo all Christmas presents for Lyla this year. Lyla doesn't care, and she has plenty of relatives to buy her stuff that will soon be her heart's desires.

We did set up Lyla's college fund, however, so that's her Christmas present from us. It's a 529 plan, and you can get them through any state. Since Minnesota doesn't provide any specific tax benefits to residents, Julie did some research and decided to go with Iowa instead because they've historically had pretty good returns and a low management fee.

Lyla seems to approve. Is that a smile? Her first smile? I happened to take this yesterday, and I'd like to say it's her first smile, but that would be dishonest. It was a random face-muscle arrangement. Less than one second later it changed to this:

She'll be smiling soon enough. For now I'm happy we were given a preview, if only for an instant. And when she's ready for college and sees the fruits of our investments, then she'll smile for a week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan - you guys should also check out UPromise. Most things you purchase on the internet you can go through UPromise and a portion of your purchase goes to a college fund (529).

Unknown said...

Babies in the photos are looking really awesome and nice smyle.

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