Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm writing this at about 7:00 in the morning, having slept in until an impressive 6:30. After changing Lyla's diaper at 6:00 in anticipation of a feeding, I slugged back into bed. After some moments came a shout from the nursery: "Will you stop sighing? Sheesh!"

I inquired as to what on earth she was talking about.

"Oh poor Dan, back in bed. Sigh. SIGH."

A man has two options in a situation like this: be sensitive or be snarky. As I rose from the bed and padded across the hall, I naturally opted for the latter.

"I believe I have just been on the receiving end of the legendary 'breathe quieter' request. This places me in a new category of husband-martyr, and you in a new category of shrew."

"You're in a new category of tool." Then an epiphany lit up her face. "Are you awake because you're getting presents today?"

"No. I!" This has been so built up over the years. We're doing Christmas with Julie's family today, and every year I get teased by Julie and her sister Jen because once like 8 years ago I told them I had trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve.

"Go back to bed like a big boy."

"Shut it."

Then she got all sing-songy. "Is Danny going to get a present today? The big one under the tree looks like a firetruck."

I'll get my revenge. When Lyla begins to gain awareness of Christmas, I'll coach her that when she gets too excited to sleep, she should wake up Mom.


Anonymous said...

So did you get a firetruck??? ; )

Anonymous said...

Or did you get the Red Rider BB gun?