Saturday, August 22, 2009


Last night Julie informed me that she would like to sleep in. I put up a feeble argument knowing full well that I would be up anyway, that my days of sleeping in are long over.

My freshman year in college, I lived in one of the drunkest dorms on campus, and though I didn't personally contribute to that reputation (honest), part of my work study involved emptying all the hallway trash cans every Sunday morning. So you could say I experienced the drunkenness secondhand.

The dorm had 10 floors.

I would go to sleep at 4:00 AM and roll out of bed at noon every Sunday, don plastic gloves and push a giant janitor cart, and wonder if Coors Lite was the coldest-tasting beer even when it came out of dozens of tiny dorm refrigerators on a Lutheran dry campus.

But college was the last time I slept in like that. Once I started teaching, waking up at 5:15 every morning ruined my chances of ever again waking up at noon on a weekend. As a husband, though, I think it's important to continue to act like I'd want to sleep in; I can't let Julie think she has permanent dominion on it. Last night, for instance, she promised she'd let me sleep in on Sunday morning, and I mock-grudgingly agreed but privately knew I'd be up by 6:30 anyway, if not earlier.

Lyla's down for her first nap as I type this. It's 9:00 and Julie's still asleep, so I'm earning tons of husband points. I wonder what I should spend them on. Anyone (or their husband) have a regular poker game they'd let me get in on? I promise not to drink all the Coors.

1 comment:

KCMarie said...

I can totally smell those recycling bins as if it were yesterday...Mohn sweet Mohn (and its front desk)...good times.