Sunday, August 23, 2009


Julie wanted to give Lyla some Cheerios--actually an organic hippy version of Cheerios because, you know, Cheerios aren't already bland enough. But at the last moment, I noticed that they were organic hippy honey nut Cheerios. I felt like the guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark who points at the dead monkey and says "Bad dates" just as Indy's about to eat one.

No honey for babies, am I right? That means cereal too, does it not?

"It's not the same thing!" Julie scoffed.

What, so now Raisin Bran isn't full of raisins? Corn Flakes aren't full of corn? Froot Loops aren't full of...what the hell is froot?

I pulled a jar of honey out of the cupboard and gesticulated at the warning label. "Don't feed it to babies, see? They can get botulism."

"Yes, but that's honey," Julie said as though she had just checkmated me.

"There's honey in the O's, woman!"

"Like, a tiny bit."

"You will not give Botulism-O's to our daughter!"



"I said fine."

"Seriously? So I win? I'm the big winner?"

"You're a loser."


The Sloneker's said...

I have heard you should worry more about the "nut" in honey nut cheerios - cause kids can have nut allergies before one or two...but that's just what I have heard :)

Susi said...

And I was told by a pediatrician that it's only raw honey that matters, so things that are cooked with honey, like graham crackers, are fine.