Friday, September 25, 2009


Lyla doesn't have any teeth yet, and we're half thinking she'll be toothless well into adulthood. Still, we're attempting to feed her things commonly eaten by productive members of society. We're not quitting the jar o' slop dinners, just supplementing them with foods that are less revolting.

Tonight Lyla had bits of bread, cheese, and turkey. She would fist a piece off the tray, cram it in her mouth, and blurble it onto her bib. Every couple minutes, Julie shook the blurbled bits off the bib and onto the tray again. The process repeated. And repeated.

Soon, the bits of food no longer resembled food. They had suffered greatly. But Lyla kept going, and soon she began to actually swallow them.

It's like she was the mother bird and the baby bird all at the same time.

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