Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Lyla came home from school today with her first ponytail. They must get bored there, day after day. Maybe tomorrow it'll be henna tattoos. Or real ones.

Speaking of tomorrow, Julie has composed quite the chore list for me, being that it's MEA break. That stands for Minnesota Educators Association, by the way, and tomorrow and Friday there's no school due to a conference that is optional and therefore unattended by yours truly.

So I'm heading to Home Depot to buy L-shaped metal thingies in order to screw dressers and whatnot to the wall. Lyla is becoming a climbing expert, so Julie and I are imagining what in the house could topple over. The answer is pretty much everything. I remember setting up all this stuff in the first place and discarding the L-shaped metal thingie that came with each item. They sit in a landfill somewhere, next to all those Ikea allen wrenches.

I'm planning to prudently ignore Julie's request that I mow the lawn, paint the bedroom, and polish the garage door handle. I have a hair appointment at 2:00, and I do not plan to be sweaty. Oh shut up.

Speaking of hair, here she is again:

And this is what happens when you remove a rubber band from a ponytail:

You get baby Ace Ventura.

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