Monday, October 26, 2009


Lyla was sent home from school today with a fever. We think she got it from a boy who was having his temperature taken when Julie picked Lyla up on Thursday. This is proof, perhaps, that Lyla and the boy had been making out.

The fever rule is that Lyla can't return to school until she is fever-free for 24 hours without the assistance of Tylenol. Julie, who is just barely on the cusp of feeling better herself, will stay home with Lyla tomorrow, and I'll stay home on Thursday if necessary.

I was just thinking about how inconvenient it is for us to miss work this week, of all weeks. What's funny is that the notion of convenience disappeared somewhere around Julie's third week of being pregnant, and yet here I am complaining about it like it's a new concept. You can't be the parent of a baby and get upset when life becomes inconvenient. It would be like buying a fish and getting mad at its gills.

After bringing Lyla home, she participated in the following activities:

- Spent 20 minutes emptying Mama's purse
- Ate cheese, ham, bread, puffs, yogurt, and bananas while I made dinner
- Practiced walking
- Chugged milk

Aside from actually having a fever, Lyla did not seem like a girl with a fever. And that, I suppose, is as close to convenient as we're going to get.

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