Saturday, October 17, 2009


Auntie Jodie reported that Lyla tended to focus on pages with boys on them. Also, yesterday at daycare I saw Lyla feel the bicep of the studliest boy in the class. By the time she's old enough to have boyfriends and bring them home to meet me, I hope I'm intimidating.

In completely unrelated news, there's this cough remedy on the internet, and I can't figure out if it's a hoax. What you do is rub Baby Vicks on the baby's feet, put socks on, and it takes care of the cough. The quickest path to the throat, it seems, is through the feet.

We haven't tried it. One site said the whole idea originated as a phony email forward some years back. And nothing on the Vicks packaging mentions the feet. And yet, you'll still find mothers swearing that nothing was working for poor Johnny, but then Vicks on the feet cured everything.

Lyla continues to cough in her sleep for an hour or two each night. As I mentioned in an earlier post, waking her up is counterproductive if not explosive. But I can't sleep while she's hacking in there. I came down to the couch last night to get away from the sound. Meanwhile, Julie snoozed peacefully in her normal position, hanging upside-down in the closet.

Okay, that was unprovoked. I'm just cranky that everyone in the house is sleeping but me. Maybe I'll try the asinine Vicks-on-feet remedy. But see, then a guy with a camcorder will jump out and I'll learn that everyone was in on it; worse yet, it'll be Ashton Kutcher in all his Punk'd douche-baggery.

What I need is one of those suck hoses from the dentist. I'll attach it to Lyla's mouth, and it'll vacuum all the snot and teething saliva before it drips into her throat.

Or maybe I just need earplugs.


Lori said...

K, you are not a celebrity; therefore, you are not being punked. Well you know those commercials for those foot pads you leave on overnight and all your toxins come out and the pads are black in the morning!? Maybe it's the same type of thing! Btw the picture is adorable. Lyla looks like a super big kid! *sniffle*

Grandma Jackie said...

...Just a word from a Grandma...My friends report that the vicks on the feet thing really does work...Give it a try!!

Steph said...

We've done the Vicks on the feet since my Grandma told me about it a few years back. I do it every time my kids have a cold/cough. While it might help a little (or maybe just wishful thinking for me), it isn't the miracle I was looking for. I did, however, try a spoonful of honey and that seemed to quiet the cough - can you give honey at a year??? Might be worth a try - apparently it coats the throat, soothes the tickle. Good luck - nothing worse than a coughing baby and tired parent!!!!!