Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today was class picture day at Lyla's school. In a couple weeks we'll be able to log onto their website, enter a code, and view the various proofs before ordering hundreds (no, thousands) of dollars in prints.

Lyla did very well, from what I hear, but there's a new baby in the class that did not do well. She screamed her face off. I hope there will be a print with eight or nine oblivious babies and one having a tantrum. I'd probably order that one.

One of Lyla's teachers told me that the photographer fixed Lyla's hair for the picture. This man found something about my daughter that was unworthy of his camera, an out-of-place hair that made her unphotogenic, something that needed fixing. Had I been there, I would have fixed his face.

I relayed this information to Julie at home, and she laughed and said this morning Lyla looked like she had slept on top of her head. Her hair was Picasso-esque. Still. Still! Okay, so I overreacted. You would've too.


KCMarie said...

Oh, dude, I had a knee-jerk reaction to that, too. No photographer should be touching your child's hair or ANYTHING. That just seems wrong. Besides, hair out-of-place on infants is nothing but adorable and endearing. And adds personality. I'm totally with you.

Susi said...

Agreed...I would order 1 print, scan it and print hundreds of illegal copies just to spite him. He'd never know, but I would feel better passive-aggressively "stickin' it to the man"!