Friday, October 30, 2009


You know when you're sick and you don't even remember what it felt like to feel well? You're pretty sure that you'll never get better and that your awful symptoms are actually your new permanent reality.

The same is true when your baby is sick: the happy, sane version of her, the version you secretly think could be in commercials or on magazine covers, disappears. It's replaced by a miserable creature with ooze shooting out of unlikely orifices and a disposition that suggests she might one day commit violent felonies. After a few consecutive sleepless nights, your brain temporarily blocks the memory of your perfect child so that you can deal with the poor beast she has become.

Days pass. It runs its course.

Remember how yesterday Lyla had zero naps but then slept through the night? Well, she woke up at 7:00 this morning and looked like a cocaine addict. That's a direct quotation from her mother. Lyla was up for one hour, ate food, drank milk, and went back down for two-and-a-half hours. Then it was up for another hour, food, milk, and down again for a second two-and-a-half-hour nap.

And then at 2:00 in the afternoon, triumphantly, Lyla woke up for real:

1 comment:

Steph said...

Yeah! I hope that means she's on the road to recovery! It is so hard to have a sick child. We know the gig only too well - but we usually pass it between all 3 boys and then it makes its way to us. When we are done, one of the kids gets it again...sigh.... Hope she's well enough to don a Halloween costume tomorrow!