Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Lyla and I hung out together all day, she with her fever, me with my pile of ungraded work, and both of us sleep deprived. I spoke with a couple nurses about what Lyla's sickness might be. Her fever is going on three days, but she doesn't have the terrible cough that afflicts most babies with H1N1. She's congested and very fussy in the crib but generally happy and active otherwise. Drinking and eating are overall normal.

Our favorite hypothesis at this point is that she has an ear infection. There's no ear tugging or pulling--I think those Elmo photos I posted yesterday are a coincidence--but an ear infection would explain her other symptoms. The crib fussiness, one nurse explained, might be due to ear pain when she's lying down. We have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully we'll get some real answers.

Auntie Lori has agreed to be on Lyla duty tomorrow morning and early afternoon, which is a major assist and will allow Julie and I to keep our heads above water at our respective jobs. With all the effort and energy Julie and I have put forth with this sickness, it gets me wondering how in the world single parents do it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Thanks for mentioning how single parent do it - It was tough when I was a single parent! She is sooo cute even when she is sick.