Sunday, March 1, 2009


You can hold Lyla in any direction, upright, sideways, out flat, and she stiffens her body like it's a board. Her neck is getting stronger. Sit her up and she still wobbles around like she's drunk, but there's no longer the worry that her head will loll backward and pop off.

We have a Bumbo chair, which allows her to sit with extra support. There's also a little table you can attach to it, so before long she'll be able to do calculus problems without assistance.

Ooh, it probably also means that Lyla is almost ready for a bouncy swing, the epitome of fun when you're under one year old. Then before long we can take Lyla to Disneyland, and I can take her on rides while her motion-sickness-prone mother sits on a bench with her book.

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