Saturday, March 21, 2009


Tonight I realized too late that we hadn't taken a photo of Lyla. This is the best our camera (and I, its clumsy handler) could manage in a dark room with no flash. I do notice that her head is pointed left again. Can't win them all.

Last night I rooted through Lyla's dresser in search of items that no longer fit her. It wasn't hard. After stuffing the last 0-3-month item in the tupperware, I took stock of what remained.

It was sparse. And so today, against the better judgment of men everywhere, I took Julie and Lyla to the outlet mall. The gorgeous weather made the outlet mall appropriate, you see, for it gave us the illusion that we were spending time outside.

The Carter's outlet store had the best selection and bargains, though it's interesting to note how difficult it is to weave a stroller around the crammed racks. It's a baby store, but it's not a place I'd want to take a baby.

Most of the afternoon, while Julie did her part to reinvigorate the economy, Lyla and I wandered around outside in search of entertainment. There wasn't much, but we did brave the men's room changing table. Lyla touched nothing, so all was well.

We came home with a load of clothes that actually fit Lyla--for now, that is. As for the tuppperware of tiny clothes, our next kid, no matter the sex, will dress like a girl.

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