Monday, March 16, 2009


Several people have commented that when a mom goes back to work, the baby eats more. It makes sense. When Mom is around, the possibility for food is around. When Mom is away and Dad offers a bottle, the baby suspects that food is scarcer. Her instincts don't communicate to her that there's more milk in the fridge.

During the day, I'm searching for the right amount to feed her. Too little, and I'm adding ounces in 30 minutes to settle her down. Too much, and she spews it all over me. I'm erring on the side of too much because I have more shirts than patience for baby rage.

Which reminds me: an apron would be nice. Or a smock. Didn't we all wear smocks during elementary school art classes? Or remember when those scratchy ponchos were in style for two weeks? I should get a couple. Or a plastic rain poncho. Then the milk would just slide off. A garbage bag would work too.

Lyla's unofficial weight is 16.2 pounds, which is nearly double her birth weight. I'll photograph some leg chunk tomorrow so you can get an idea of how massive she is.

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