Saturday, March 7, 2009


Julie and I got to go on a date tonight because my mom and sister babysat Lyla. We went Rollerblading in the Metrodome, which is a terrible venue for everything but Rollerblading. Then we ate with friends at Lucia's, an awesome restaurant in Uptown.

Lyla was fussy much of the day today for no particular reason, and she fussed as Julie and I made our way out the door. I take it all in stride and pretty much think to myself, "Oh well, she's crying...must be upset about something. Builds character." I still console her and try different things, but babies cry. What can you do?

Julie can't stand it when Lyla cries, to the point where she becomes agitated if Lyla is crying in someone else's arms. It's a little nutty, but it makes sense given the whole breastfeeding thing. If a baby's cry triggers the milk to let down, then it must trigger other things in the brain as well, instincts that were passed down since people lived in caves with dinosaurs as pets.

So when we left the house as Lyla complained about the state of the world, I had to convince Julie that everything would be okay. Meanwhile, I thought to myself that for the most part I couldn't care less if Lyla fussed all evening. She's not sick, she has plenty to drink, and I'm not there to hear it: out of sight, out of mind. Totally the male response.

We got home and learned that Lyla had been fine. Or maybe they just said that because they knew that it wouldn't be useful for Julie to hear otherwise.

I think Julie will have more perspective in several months when she stops breastfeeding. Then Lyla's cries won't provoke in her a physical response. Hopefully. Until then, I think my best move is to keep my big mouth shut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. We did not just say that; she really was just fine! I did a bear rattle hypnotism technique with her that I'm sure you'll find in all the parenting books. We did some flashcards, which she paid attention to like a budding scholar. She meditated for awhile and then beat me at that Wii Rabbid game about 8 times. She did her vibrating chair, the swing bed (brilliant idea on Mom's part), the floor thing, and went on a shopping spree on eBay with your credit card (sorry). We held her, bounced her, rocked her, walked her (that sounds like she's a dog), and taught her calculus. We fed her (I hope Papa John's pizza was okay), burped her, and changed her (Mom did that one). I think she quite enjoyed herself, minus that time she told us off for taking too long to warm her bottle and once or twice immediately prior to letting loose with a fountain/explosion of one baby secretion or another. Shortly before you came home, she told us to come back soon.